Wednesday, 22 September 2010

A bit of a diversion!

As a bit of a diversion I am currently trying to design a 1/5th scale Hawker Tempest. So far it is not looking too bad.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Wing Internals

Manged to get a bit more time in the workshop last night. I have installed the two servo bays, one for the airelon and the other for the flaps. Hopefully there will be no push rods evident on the outside of the wing when completed.
I also installed wing former W1. I made a stand that was exactly 4.5 inches high, which is the amount of dihedral required at former W11. Then when the wing was propped up I used a set square to ensure W1 was vertical and a straight edge to make sure it wasn't bowed. Seems to be ok. Will do the other wing at the weekend and seem if they join up ok!

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Started again at last!

I have finally managed to find some time to start building again. Last night I cut a slot in the stabaliser to locate it onto the fuselage and removed some stringers from the fuselage to allow the stabaliser to be positioned.

The next step is going to be skinning the wings, back to the model shop for some wood I think!

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Bit of a lull

Bit of a lull in building at the moment as my wife had twins in March!

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Wing taking shape

After a few weeks of rib cutting etc.. the wing is now statrting to take shape nicely. It's a very straight forward process at the moment witho nly a couple of modifications to the undercarriage blocks.

Friday, 22 January 2010


Have just seen an advert on RCUniverse for a new engine to be released soon. The MT70 is an engine made in China that id a twin delivering 70cc power. Hopefully it will fit in my cowl without the need for any holes cutting. Just need some dimensions!

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Wing ribs

Have been working for the last couple of weeks cutting out the wing ribs. Have had to make some modifications for the retractable undercarriage bearers to suit a different type to that on the plan. Hopefully next week I will start putting the wing together.